Corporate Holiday Party Catering Ideas

If you're in charge of planning the corporate holiday party of your company, one of your biggest areas of concern is most likely the menu. You'll need to come up with appetizers, meals or both to appeal to a wide range of people, making it seem like a daunting task. The good news is that there are several ways you can make the process easier. When planning a corporate holiday event menu, consider any of the attendees' dietary concerns, restrictions, or food allergies, and provide alternative options to make sure everyone is satisfied.

Why A Charcuterie Board Is A Good Addition To Your Gathering

When you're putting together a list of the food that you want to have available during an upcoming gathering in your home, it's worth thinking about the value that a charcuterie board can add. While it's possible to buy the individual items that make up this board and arrange everything yourself, another option is to find a shop that sells a variety of loaded boards that you can pick up on the day of your gathering and set out for your guests.

Tips For Succeeding As A Coffee Roastery

The world of coffee is changing quickly. Rarely these days do coffee shops succeed in selling coffee made from pre-ground, bulk beans. Customers are caring more and more about the quality of their coffee. As such, one way to set yourself apart in the coffee industry is to roast your own coffee beans. But how do you succeed as a coffee roaster? Here are some tips. Source Your Beans From Unique Places